The 7th Healing 第七次治療 20-07-2005
I received some bad news form Mr. Yip. He was having a body check in the hospital right after the day I gave him Qi transmission treatment. He was actually feeling good the day before. During the body check, he was so frighten when a nurse was trying to get some blood sample from his arm. The process was a terrible experience to Mr. Yip. May be he was quite old and the nurse couldn’t find the right blood vessel even after a couples of trying. The syringe was injecting into both of his arms but still could not extract blood out. It was painful and terrifying him. His son told me afterwards that his hands were shaking seriously.
After that day, he was in a low energy level and he felt it. He was feeling weak with his lung and couldn’t speak out loud again. I knew that I have to do something because I couldn’t let him stay in such a continuous low energy situation for long time. His cancer may spread out.
I gave him a visit today. As usual we had a talk and revision of his movements and practice. I felt that he quite trusted my theory about training energy to heal. He was now more and more listening to me and I felt more responsible on his case. I adjusted some of his movements and also noticed some of his improvement on certain exercises. I was glad to see that. Still I wanted to give him a helping hand on pumping up his energy, I transmitted energy to him again at last. He told me he even could not walk stably before the Qi transmission but he could walk more properly after. I hope he could have his energy level going up again and finally achieve his recovery. I am still very much confident of that.
我 收到了一個壞消息,那天我發氣治療了葉先生, 第二天他去了醫院作身體檢查,他原本是頗為精神的,但在一位護士替他抽血檢查的時候,因為抽了數次也沒有成功,針筒插入了葉先生的左右手臂數次,那通楚及 那情景把業先生嚇壞了,甚至嚇得不自覺地揮動著手臂。那天之後他的精神便不太好,說話也沒什氣力,我知道我一定要幫助他一點,不能令他的精神不斷地這麼 差,他的癌細胞可能會因此而擴散開來。
我 去探訪他,亦如常談了一會及練習了一遍,我感覺他甚為相信我的理論,我因此亦感到有責任把他治療好來。我糾正了他的一些動作,也很安慰地發現了他有一些的 進步,最後我再次給了他一個發氣治療。他感覺治療後,步行穩健了一點。我很希望他的能量狀況能提高起來,最後能終於痊癒,現在我仍然是很有信心的。
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