The 8th Healing 第八次治療 24-07-2005
He has already adopted some meditating skill to help his sleep. However, when he finishes the sitting or standing meditation, he lies down and he might then feel some pain at his back or chest. He might need to adjust his posture or might even need to sit up and meditate again at last. If a sleeping pattern is disrupted, it will affect quite a lot of our system and energy as well. We all should have such an experience that after a night without or almost without sleep, the next day we act like zombie. If the situation continues, it gets worse. That’s why insomnia could lead to a lot of problems and other bad effects. Luckily Mr. Yip has already picked up some meditating skills from me. He at least could help himself a bit in this situation.
I had also checked his movement more thoroughly to make sure his movements were in the right tracks. I was glad to see at least he was having little improvement on some of his movements.
At last I gave a Qi transmission to him. This time I concentrated on more channeling energy smoothly into his body. I thought it could beneficial to him and me as well. It’s because last time I did not do that part so well and I end up being very much exhausted. To win this war, I have to maintain good energy to help Mr. Yip on the whole journey.
業 先生的情況還是不太穩定,有時候他的感覺還好,但有時候他的精神便差下來。這次的探訪我嘗試找出原因來,我們傾談下,大致歸咎於上次在醫院裏的不好的經 驗,以及他不能好好睡眠。關於他的睡眠,他其實已經從我那裏學會了一些入靜的方法來幫助自己,但在他完成入靜後,躺下來時,卻往往觸痛了背部或胸部,弄至 不能入眠。他可能要轉動身體,或再次入靜,才可能最終入睡。我們知道,不能得到充分的睡眠,會影響身體內部系統或是身體的血氣及能量;我們大多有此經驗, 數天不能好好入睡後,身體的狀況真的如同病了一般,不能如常運作。
跟 他練習了以往的氣功動作,也再次很欣慰地發現了他有一點點的進步。在發氣治療的過程中,我盡力引導大自然的能量,來發放進葉先生的身體。因為上一次的發放 治療中,我用多了自己的能量,後來便覺得很累。我相信在這場與病魔纏鬥的戰役裏,我保持著高能量狀態,才可幫助業先生完成這個康復的旅程。
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