The 12th Healing 第十二次治療 12-09-2005
It has been more than a month since my last visit to Mr. Yip. I know he has been going through some strong emotional resistances. He has been making excuses to stop meeting me and stop taking Chinese Medicine. I know he had much confident on my Qigong healing in the beginning since he could feel the energy inside him during practice. He became expecting a fast and big result. However, when he could not see what he expected to see, he was disappointed and frustrated. Then he told me he became lazy to practice. I tried to guide him back to the right track when I called him. However, when someone does not have enough confidence on you, you cannot do much about it. I know his health condition has been declining. I have been worrying about the situation. When you drop your defense, do you think your enemys will also slow down? No, they will attack even harder.
Last few days I called Mr. Yip to try to find out how he was recently. I could not get him on his mobile and house phone. First I thought he might be out of HK. I finally realized he was hospitalized for a few days in a very critical condition. Mr. Yip could not get up from bed when he was in the hospital. His became not able to express himself clearly and not able to recognize others. Sometimes he reacted strangely and looked around to see corners or walls where nothing is there. It reminds me the last month when my father was passing away. He was suffering from heart disease for years. At last he was having similar condition as Mr. Yip. Some Chinese say when a person is dying, he could see something that other people cannot see like spirits. I try to look at it in a viewpoint of energy. when someone is becoming a spirit (dying), the frequency of his energy is similar to those in a form of pure spirit. That’s why he might be able to see them. There are also quite a number of people claim that they can see spirits sometimes. I guess they can reach that frequency or vibration of spirits once a while. They are like radios which able to tune to receive some specific frequency to broadcast.
Back to Mr. Yip’s case, doctor certified Mr. Yip was at his final stage and could pass away anytime. Doctor also said Cancer might already go up his head. I felt that Mr. Yip might just running out of energy to maintain his consciousness in his mind. Like my father, not having cancer, before he passed away, sometimes he was delirious too.
Mr. Yip was a bit more stable on the day I went to hospital to see him. He tried look at me but seemed not able to recognize me. He also tried to speak to me but could not raise his voice. I told his family that although Mr. Yip seemed to be in a very bad condition, I would not give up on any patient as long as he was still alive in front of me. Even it was the case that he could only take one more breath. I believed that energy could do anything. I suggested giving him a last try. There was nothing I could do except energy transmission. I tried my very best this time. Actually recently I felt my energy transmission going into a different level. I felt and knew that the result this time was not bad. Mr. Yip looked energized on his face afterwards. His families could also felt the difference of Mr. Yip after the energy transmission.
How Mr. Yip responds in the coming few days will be determining whether he could make it this time. I will do my very best to follow up Mr. Yip’s condition. I will not give up. Miracles would come true if you really strongly think so and believe.
一 個月餘沒有去探望葉先生了。我知他正在處於一個不小的心理抗拒期。他用了很多借口來取消我的約見,又停服了中藥。葉先生因為練了氣功不久,便有氣感,所以 對此抱有很大的期望。但後來期望過大,便轉為失望及沮喪。他亦告訴我變得懶惰起來,練習氣功便少了。我與他電話談話中,便嘗試引導他回正確的心理去,但當 人失去信心時,是不易聽人勸告的。我知道葉先生的健康是在每況愈下中,我是真有點擔心,因為在這狀況中,你放下你的抵抗,敵人卻不會靜下來,反而會不斷加 強進攻。
前 數天,我不斷致電葉先生,卻找不著他。我起初以為他一定是離開了香港,但後來才發現了他巳因為病危躺在醫院數天了。他已不能很清楚的表達自己,亦開始不能 認清楚他的親人了。他有時有點奇怪的反應及目光呆滯地看着四處,如牆角等無人無物的地方。這使我想起我父親臨去世前的約一個月裏,他患有心臟病已數年了, 臨終時他也有類此的情况。中國人有這樣的說法,當人臨終時,是看見一些別人看不見的東西如幽靈。我以能量角度來看,當人在差不多去世的狀態下,與一些純能 量體的頻率應亦差不遠,所以有可能看得見,亦有些人說他們也可看得見的,我想他們有時可接收到那些頻率,就如收音機一樣,調教接收器,便能接收到一些頻 率。
說 回葉先生的狀况,醫生判斷他已經到了最後階段,可能隨時過世,醫生亦認為癌細胞已可能上了他的腦部。我則認為葉先生有可能只是能量降低,到了不能使腦部正 常地運作,就像我父親臨去世前,亦如葉先生一般,有點神志昏亂,腦部亦不清醒,但他卻不是癌病患者。那天我看葉先生時,他已較穩定了。他望着我,卻像不大 認識我。我嘗試對我講話,卻發不出聲音。我對他的家人說,雖然葉先生的情况看來很壞,但一個在面前還在生還的病人,就算是只剩一口氣,我從來也不會放棄。 我的信念是,能量是什麼也能辦到的。我對葉先生的家人提意作最後的嘗試,而我亦只能給葉先生發氣治療。我亦盡力而為。其實近來我對發氣治療亦領誤到一個新 的境界。我感到這次的治療應該做得不錯。葉先生後來面上亦看來精神起來,他家人亦感到他的轉變。
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