Qigong Energy Healing 氣功能量治療

Yin and Yang Qigong Healing Method is a method mainly to teach patients ways to develope their own healing power. Master Lawrence Tse is a Qigong healer. With many years of teaching and healing people with Qigong , he has gained lots of valuable experiences and consequently he put varies Qigong techniques into this Yin and Yang Qigong Healing Method. It has been working well even to people who are suffering from serious problem like cancer and other serious sicknesses.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The 13th Healing 第十三次治療 13-09-2005

Today Mr. Yip improved a lot. He could recognize people. He could respond and react accordingly. He behaved as normal. However, he still had difficulties to speak. I knew he was stable by now. He would not pass away all in a sudden.

His wife told me his whole right arm and leg was immobile for a few days. I did a simple reaction test to Mr. Yip’s right limbs. I found out that he actually had feelings on his right arm and leg but he only could move and control them in a very little degree. I moved his arm and leg slowly with some Qigong techniques for a while to help the circulation and stimulate the feelings of limbs. I taught his wife the exercise and hope she could help him to do the exercise more often.

I believe there is no illness that cannot be healed. What we need to do is to belief we can be healed and continue to do some proper works onto the matter.

I did an energy transmission again this time. Mr. Yip’s respond was quite good. Afterwards, he almost wanted to tell me something by his mouth but it was just too difficult to him. However, his reaction and respond already told me that we were communicating well. His condition today was far better than yesterday. I was glad that my energy could really help him especially in such a critical situation.


葉 太告訴我葉生的右手及右腿已經數天 不能移動了,我跟葉先生做了一些簡單的反應測試,發覺他的右手及右腿是有感覺及反應的,亦能輕微地控制着。我幫葉先生的右手及右腿作些了氣功的移動動作, 亦幫他的手及腿部推拿了一會,來增強血液循環及刺激神經感覺及反應。我亦教了葉太這些動作,那樣葉太便可常常幫助葉先生了




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