The 14th Healing 第十四次治療 14-09-2005)
Today was the 3rd day of my continuous visit to Mr. Yip. I actually felt tired not physically by in terms of the feeling of my energy. However, to Mr. Yip it was a critical stage. I had to help him and could not take a break yet.
Today Mr. Yip was not in his right mind again but slightly better than the 1st day I saw him in the hospital. He still could remember me. His body condition was getting better. He acted like a naughty boy there. He often wanted to get up and sometimes he pulled out those needles which was inserting to his body to supply him nutrition and medicine. Nurses had no choice but tied him up. Maybe because I did some exercise and massage to his right arm and leg day before or because of other reason, his right limbs came back with some strength today. It brought more trouble for people to try to calm him down.
I would say his body condition was improving because he could move his body with some strength. Not like 2 days ago, he could only lie on bed. Doctor’s explanation was some cancer cells went up to his brain. The way I felt was different. When someone’s energy drop and his internal systems are in a mess, his thinking might also go together in a mess. My father who died in heart disease had similar situation during his last month. Sometimes he was delirious but sometimes he was not. I think Mr. Yip’s condition was the same. It quite depended on his energy condition.
Mr. Yip was quite calm in front of me. He was very co-operative when I was transmitting energy to him. He just lay on bed and closed his eyes peacefully. Maybe he knew it would make him comfortable or he had already got used to it.
An old Chinese saying is that an old man is just like a kid. What happened to Mr. Yip could be explained by this. Especially when he felt bored in bed and could not speak clearly to make others understand, he might just keep trying to get up. Mr. Yip was also a stubborn person and seldom cared what others said. More effort people put to stop him from moving around, stronger resistance he would make. It of course brought a lot of troubles to the Hospital.
Today’s energy transmission was also quite good as 2 days ago. However, I was a bit not able to concentrate too well during energy transmission yesterday. I was thinking Mr. Yip’s condition might be affected by the quality of energy being transmitted to him. And the quality of energy I cultivated would depend on whether I could tune my mind to a peaceful and comfortable state to channel energy in.
他 的意識又有點不清晰,但比第一天我 在醫院見他時好一點,他還能夠記起我。他有點像個頑童。他整天想從床上起來,又把那些連在他身上的針筒蛂出,護士們只好把他綁起來。可能是我曾經替他的右 手及脚活動過,又或是什麼原因,他右手及腳今天變得有點力氣。這卻增加了護士們在綑綁葉先生時候的困難。
我 看到今天葉先生的身體康服了不小, 因為他的氣力增强了是很明顯的,昨天他還是只可躺在床上。醫生還是認葉先生可能是癌細胞上了腦部,我感覺上,葉先生可能只是能量下降,那樣他內在的一切 系統便不能正常地運作,他的思想也可能亂作一團。就像我那只是患心臟病的父親臨終前的約一個月裏,他的意識也是時好時亂。我想葉先生的情况也差不多,很取 决他的能量狀況。
中國人說老人家像小孩。葉先生正是如此,試想他整天悶在床上,又不能清楚表達自己,他可能只是想起床。我認識的葉先生是一個頗頑固的老人家,也不大理會他人的想法。 當醫院裏的護士們越想他按着他,他便會越反抗,因此我亦明白他這樣的狀况是會給醫院帶來很大的麻煩。

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