During Massaging Mrs. Wun today in the old people’s home, I asked her to push me with her left hand. I was surprised by the strength that her left hand could hold firm and straight with. She was definitely improving steadily. Her energy was getting stronger. The bruise on her disable right palm almost all disappeared. Her right leg was reacting more obviously. Not like before, this time not only when I was pulling her toes of her right foot, but also when I was stimulating the upper part of her right foot, her toes would be moving up and down. The upper area of the foot should be less sensitive than toes. That indicated her right leg was regaining more sense. Her son, Nichol arrived at the old people’s home later and also amazed by the latest improving condition of Mrs. Wun. Maybe because Mrs. Wun was regaining more of the sense on her right hand side, she felt more painful and had the intension to push my hands away while I was massaging her right hand and leg. I often told her when she showed the expression of feeling painful during my massage that she had to stand the pain for a while and I would not really hurt her. She always nodded and let me carry on. The energy transmission was again quite smooth and I knew she would be improving more and more steadily.更多的正面反應
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