The 10th Healing 第十次治療 30-07-2005
Since Mr. Yip had been in such a lower energy level for a period of time already, I decided to visit him more often. I could not let him to have a chance of spreading his cancer out around his body. In that case, the situation would become worse to handle and everybody including Mr. Yip, his families and also me would lose the confidence. For me, I will never give up in any case anytime as long as the patient still trust because it is my believe that everything is energy and it could make things possible. It is your will to survive or not counts most. That’s why the morale counts most in such a battle of defeating a disease. I always try to keep good communication with the patient so that I know how to encourage him to maintain a strong will to fight against the sickness.
It's a rainy day. The temperature became cooler. The breeze passed through the whole flat where Mr. Yip lived. We felt very comfortable during the talk. I pointed out to him that we were also attempting to get into such an environment in our mind when we did meditation. We were relaxed and we were connected to the energy of nature then. We were letting energy passing through us. The energy would do the work in cluding cleansing, recharging and healing etc. I grasped the chance to do a guided meditation to him in that beautiful environment. I stressed on the way letting the body being filled up with bright golden light and the excellent energy around to cleanse and heal. He could go into it quite deeply. Again after revision of the Qigong movements to warm up the body, I did a Qi transmission to him. I felt energy pushing into his body when he was putting himself into a meditating mind.
由於葉先生已經有一段時間處於不大精神或能量低的狀況下,這次我隔一天便去探訪他,因為我不想他的癌細胞有多一點機會擴散。真是這樣的話,那就更難處理,亦會使我們都失去信心。我在此說明,祇要病人還是對我信任,我是會放棄任何病人的,因為我相信一切皆是能量,而能量是能令任何可能性發生,所以,你的意願是去繼續生存與否才最重要。 亦因此,在這樣的嚴峻境况,病人的鬥志是非常重要的,我會盡力去與病人溝通了解,來鼓勵他們去奮力興病魔决戰。
這 天下着雨,天氣亦變得清凉了一點。在 葉先生的住處傾談時,有凉風陣陣送來,令人舒暢。我告訴他在們嘗試入靜時,就是要在腦中進入如此舒服的狀態。我們便會放鬆下來,亦與大自然能量連合交流起 來。在交流當中,我們讓大自然的能量進入及通過身體,那能量自會發生其作用:清洗排毒,治療及補充能量。我借坐此舒服情境,帶領葉先生作冥想,我集中去引 領他與光及能量融合,從而得到治療,我感到葉先生進入頗深。在練習過氣功動作來熱身後,我再一次作發氣治療。我感到能量進入葉先生的身體,他亦進入入靜狀 態。