Qigong Energy Healing 氣功能量治療

Yin and Yang Qigong Healing Method is a method mainly to teach patients ways to develope their own healing power. Master Lawrence Tse is a Qigong healer. With many years of teaching and healing people with Qigong , he has gained lots of valuable experiences and consequently he put varies Qigong techniques into this Yin and Yang Qigong Healing Method. It has been working well even to people who are suffering from serious problem like cancer and other serious sicknesses.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

The 10th Healing 第十次治療 30-07-2005

Since Mr. Yip had been in such a lower energy level for a period of time already, I decided to visit him more often. I could not let him to have a chance of spreading his cancer out around his body. In that case, the situation would become worse to handle and everybody including Mr. Yip, his families and also me would lose the confidence. For me, I will never give up in any case anytime as long as the patient still trust because it is my believe that everything is energy and it could make things possible. It is your will to survive or not counts most. That’s why the morale counts most in such a battle of defeating a disease. I always try to keep good communication with the patient so that I know how to encourage him to maintain a strong will to fight against the sickness.

It's a rainy day. The temperature became cooler. The breeze passed through the whole flat where Mr. Yip lived. We felt very comfortable during the talk. I pointed out to him that we were also attempting to get into such an environment in our mind when we did meditation. We were relaxed and we were connected to the energy of nature then. We were letting energy passing through us. The energy would do the work in cluding cleansing, recharging and healing etc. I grasped the chance to do a guided meditation to him in that beautiful environment. I stressed on the way letting the body being filled up with bright golden light and the excellent energy around to cleanse and heal. He could go into it quite deeply. Again after revision of the Qigong movements to warm up the body, I did a Qi transmission to him. I felt energy pushing into his body when he was putting himself into a meditating mind.

由於葉先生已經有一段時間處於不大精神或能量低的狀況下,這次我隔一天便去探訪他,因為我不想他的癌細胞有多一點機會擴散。真是這樣的話,那就更難處理,亦會使我們都失去信心。我在此說明,祇要病人還是對我信任,我是會放棄任何病人的,因為我相信一切皆是能量,而能量是能令任何可能性發生,所以,你的意願是去繼續生存與否才最重要。 亦因此,在這樣的嚴峻境况,病人的鬥志是非常重要的,我會盡力去與病人溝通了解,來鼓勵他們去奮力興病魔决戰。

這 天下着雨,天氣亦變得清凉了一點。在 葉先生的住處傾談時,有凉風陣陣送來,令人舒暢。我告訴他在們嘗試入靜時,就是要在腦中進入如此舒服的狀態。我們便會放鬆下來,亦與大自然能量連合交流起 來。在交流當中,我們讓大自然的能量進入及通過身體,那能量自會發生其作用:清洗排毒,治療及補充能量。我借坐此舒服情境,帶領葉先生作冥想,我集中去引 領他與光及能量融合,從而得到治療,我感到葉先生進入頗深。在練習過氣功動作來熱身後,我再一次作發氣治療。我感到能量進入葉先生的身體,他亦進入入靜狀 態。

Thursday, July 28, 2005

The 9th Healing 第九次治療 28-07-2005

Mr. Yip was still feeling weak. I was concerned very much about it. Since I knew he was doing fine with most of his physical practice, I concentrated on directing his energy towards his inner well-being on this visit. First I led him thoroughly along the process of self-healing Qigong. I then gave him a guided meditation. I put the direction on healing his inner emotional and mental parts. That was something I knew about his wound in his mind and heart. Mostly those are the very original cause of sicknesses. I felt myself also devoted into it because my energy is running out together with the flow of my guiding talk. Mr. Yip seemed to be going into quite deep. I hoped it work well to him. I also tried some massage and snapping method on his chest and back where he felt most painful there. At last I did an energy transmission again. I did it as much and as long as possible to him.

我 很關心業先生持續感到不太精神的情況,我對他的氣功動作很有信心,我這次便集中引導他的內在心理及思想。我跟他首先練習了一個頗長的不幸不自我治療氣功, 我嘗試帶領他入深一點,跟着與他作了一個引導性的冥想。我引領他去治療自己的心理與及思想上的憂慮與鬱結,這些都是我們內來的傷口,大部分的病患都是從這 裏茲生出來的。我感覺到自己也很投入,因為我的能量也從我引導著的說話消散出來。業先生也像冥想得很深入,我希望這能幫助他更多。我也推拿與拍打了他的患 處一會,最後我盡力把這次的發氣治療做得好與長一點。

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The 8th Healing 第八次治療 24-07-2005

The situation of Mr. Yip is still a bit unstable. Sometimes he is feeling ok but sometimes he is feeling weak. This time of the visit we spent some time to try to find out the cause of his instability. We were thinking about maybe the frightening experience in the hospital and also his difficulties in sleeping.

He has already adopted some meditating skill to help his sleep. However, when he finishes the sitting or standing meditation, he lies down and he might then feel some pain at his back or chest. He might need to adjust his posture or might even need to sit up and meditate again at last. If a sleeping pattern is disrupted, it will affect quite a lot of our system and energy as well. We all should have such an experience that after a night without or almost without sleep, the next day we act like zombie. If the situation continues, it gets worse. That’s why insomnia could lead to a lot of problems and other bad effects. Luckily Mr. Yip has already picked up some meditating skills from me. He at least could help himself a bit in this situation.

I had also checked his movement more thoroughly to make sure his movements were in the right tracks. I was glad to see at least he was having little improvement on some of his movements.

At last I gave a Qi transmission to him. This time I concentrated on more channeling energy smoothly into his body. I thought it could beneficial to him and me as well. It’s because last time I did not do that part so well and I end up being very much exhausted. To win this war, I have to maintain good energy to help Mr. Yip on the whole journey.

業 先生的情況還是不太穩定,有時候他的感覺還好,但有時候他的精神便差下來。這次的探訪我嘗試找出原因來,我們傾談下,大致歸咎於上次在醫院裏的不好的經 驗,以及他不能好好睡眠。關於他的睡眠,他其實已經從我那裏學會了一些入靜的方法來幫助自己,但在他完成入靜後,躺下來時,卻往往觸痛了背部或胸部,弄至 不能入眠。他可能要轉動身體,或再次入靜,才可能最終入睡。我們知道,不能得到充分的睡眠,會影響身體內部系統或是身體的血氣及能量;我們大多有此經驗, 數天不能好好入睡後,身體的狀況真的如同病了一般,不能如常運作。

跟 他練習了以往的氣功動作,也再次很欣慰地發現了他有一點點的進步。在發氣治療的過程中,我盡力引導大自然的能量,來發放進葉先生的身體。因為上一次的發放 治療中,我用多了自己的能量,後來便覺得很累。我相信在這場與病魔纏鬥的戰役裏,我保持著高能量狀態,才可幫助業先生完成這個康復的旅程。

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The 7th Healing 第七次治療 20-07-2005

I received some bad news form Mr. Yip. He was having a body check in the hospital right after the day I gave him Qi transmission treatment. He was actually feeling good the day before. During the body check, he was so frighten when a nurse was trying to get some blood sample from his arm. The process was a terrible experience to Mr. Yip. May be he was quite old and the nurse couldn’t find the right blood vessel even after a couples of trying. The syringe was injecting into both of his arms but still could not extract blood out. It was painful and terrifying him. His son told me afterwards that his hands were shaking seriously.

After that day, he was in a low energy level and he felt it. He was feeling weak with his lung and couldn’t speak out loud again. I knew that I have to do something because I couldn’t let him stay in such a continuous low energy situation for long time. His cancer may spread out.

I gave him a visit today. As usual we had a talk and revision of his movements and practice. I felt that he quite trusted my theory about training energy to heal. He was now more and more listening to me and I felt more responsible on his case. I adjusted some of his movements and also noticed some of his improvement on certain exercises. I was glad to see that. Still I wanted to give him a helping hand on pumping up his energy, I transmitted energy to him again at last. He told me he even could not walk stably before the Qi transmission but he could walk more properly after. I hope he could have his energy level going up again and finally achieve his recovery. I am still very much confident of that.

我 收到了一個壞消息,那天我發氣治療了葉先生, 第二天他去了醫院作身體檢查,他原本是頗為精神的,但在一位護士替他抽血檢查的時候,因為抽了數次也沒有成功,針筒插入了葉先生的左右手臂數次,那通楚及 那情景把業先生嚇壞了,甚至嚇得不自覺地揮動著手臂。那天之後他的精神便不太好,說話也沒什氣力,我知道我一定要幫助他一點,不能令他的精神不斷地這麼 差,他的癌細胞可能會因此而擴散開來。

我 去探訪他,亦如常談了一會及練習了一遍,我感覺他甚為相信我的理論,我因此亦感到有責任把他治療好來。我糾正了他的一些動作,也很安慰地發現了他有一些的 進步,最後我再次給了他一個發氣治療。他感覺治療後,步行穩健了一點。我很希望他的能量狀況能提高起來,最後能終於痊癒,現在我仍然是很有信心的。

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The 6th Healing 第六次治療 14-07-2005

After 2 weeks holiday, I called Mr. Yip to see his latest condition. He told me he went to hospital for emergency aid a few days ago when he felt so painful on the chest. I then called his son to try to find out more about the situation. His son worried much about him and thought that the situation might be very critical for his father. I told him that what I sensed about his father was not that bad and I would visit his father and give an energy (Qi) transmission to his father.

When I saw Mr. Yip, I felt that he might be a little not so energetic but was not in a critical condition. We then had a talk as usual. It is necessary to have a good communication between the patient and the healer. For me, more I know about the patient will help me understand how I could lead the patient the path of recovery. What I try to introduce is most about self healing training. It is necessary to have good communication through out the whole process to achieve victory of the battle. This time I try to lead him to feel relaxingly rather than think too much. Most of the situation, thinking doesn’t help. Thinking is mainly from your fear and worry. It leads to stress and tension. It makes you not able to be ease down, not able to have good sleep and finally become more sick. I thought that lead to his severe pain on his chest few days ago. I try to explain to him and introduced him some techniques to stay away from thinking too much. I hope he could adopt some.

After a revision of exercises he had been learning, I this time gave him a long energy transmission for almost 40 minutes. Although I felt a bit exhausted afterwards, he showed a high spirit and his face was shining. He also found himself speak louder more easily after Qi transmission that he felt difficult and tired to do so before. It was a good sign and I was thinking of continuing more energy transmission section to him in future.


當 我看見葉先生的時候,感覺到他的情況雖然有點不太精神,但是並沒有想像之中的壞。我們如往常一般的交談,我認為治療者與病患者的溝通是很重要的,多一點的 明白病者的生理,心理甚至病者的思想,能夠更順利地帶領他們走完這一條康復之路。我所教授病人的大多是自我治療的法門,這是需要很好的溝通來合作戰勝一場 與病魔搏鬥的戰役。我嘗試令葉先生不要想太多,而放鬆多一點。 很多時我們的思想並不能幫助我們太多,我們的思想大多是源自恐懼與擔心,而恐懼與擔心更使我們焦慮與緊張,因此我們不能放鬆下來,也很可能不能好好的睡 覺,最終以致生病或令病情加重。我想這也是令葉先生病情形漸趨不穩定的可能性,我教導他一些能令他不去想太多的方法,希望他能學以致用。跟他溫習了以往教 授他的運動,我便給了他一個頗長的發氣治療。雖然事後我有一點累,但真的看見葉先生精神起來,臉上也有點發亮,說話也比先前響亮起來。這是一個很好的現 象,我在想著往後給他多一點發氣治療。